First Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell


Historical Patents

of the
United States

by Jim Bieberich, Patent Historian

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Patent # Type Granted Claims Inventor Description
X000001 U 07/31/1790 1 Samuel Hopkins First U.S. Patent
Pot Ash
X000072 U 03/14/1794 1 Eli Whitney Cotton Gin
Cotton Gin
X000177 U 06/26/1797 1 Charles Newbold Cast Iron Plough
Cast Iron Plough
X008277 U 06/21/1834 1 Cyrus H. McCormick Reaper
X009430 U 02/25/1836 8 Samuel Colt Revolver
Revolving Gun
1 U 07/13/1836 3 J. Ruggles First Numbered Patent
Traction Wheels
132 U 02/25/1837 1 Thomas Davenport Electric Motor
Electric Motor
169 U 04/20/1837 6 Erastus B. Bigelow Power Carpet Loom
1,304 U,d 08/29/1839 9 Samuel Colt Revolver
Improvement in Fire-Arms and in the Apparatus Used Therewith
1,647 U 06/20/1840 9 Samuel F. B. Morse Morse Code
Improvement in the Mode of Communicating Information by Signals by the Application of Electro-Magnetism
3,633 U 06/15/1844 3 Charles Goodyear Vulcanized Rubber
Improvement in India-Rubber Fabrics
re 1,154
Elias Howe, Jr. Sewing Machine
Improvement in Sewing-Machines
Sewing Machine
Improvement in Sewing-Machines
4,834 U 11/04/1846 3 Benjamin Franklin Palmer Artificial Limb
Artificial Leg
4,848 U 11/12/1846 1 Charles T. Jackson
William T. G. Morton
Improvement In Surgical Operations
4,874 U 12/05/1846 1 Christian Frederick Schonbein Guncotton
Improvement in Preparation of Cotton-Wool and Other Substances as Substitutes for Gunpowder
5,199 U 07/24/1847 4 Richard M. Hoe Rotary Printing Press
Improvement in Rotary Printing-Presses
6,281 U 04/10/1849 1 Walter Hunt Safety Pin
9,300 U 10/05/1852 5 Lorenzo L. Langstroth Beehive
13,661 U 10/09/1855 2 Isaac M. Singer Shuttle Sewing Machine
Improvement In Sewing-Machines
15,553 U 08/19/1856 1 Gail Borden, Jr. Condensed Milk
Improvement in Concentration of Milk
17,628 U 06/23/1857 1 William Kelly Iron and Steel Manufacturing
Improvement in the Manufacture of Iron
26,196 U 11/22/1859 1 James J. Mapes Artificial Fertilizer
Improvement in Fertilizers
31,128 U 01/15/1861 4 Elisha Graves Otis Elevator
Improvement in Hoisting Apparatus
31,278 U 01/29/1861 8 Linus Yale, Jr. Lock
36,836 U 11/04/1862 5 Richard J. Gatling Machine Gun
Improvement in Revolving Battery-Guns
59,915 U 11/20/1866 1 Pierre Lallement Bicycle
Improvement in Velocipedes
78,317 U,a 05/26/1868 1 Alfred Nobel Dynamite
Improved Explosive Compound
79,265 U 06/23/1868 5 C. Latham Sholes
Carlos Glidden
Samuel W. Soule
Improvement in Type-Writing Machines
79,965 U 07/14/1868 3 Alvin J. Fellows Spring Tape Measure
Improvement in Tape Measures
91,145 U 06/08/1869 3 Ives W. McGaffey Vacuum Cleaner
Improved Sweeping-Machine
110,971 U 01/17/1871 4 Andrew Smith Hallidie Cable Car
Improvement in Endless-Wire-Rope Ways
135,245 U 01/28/1873 1 Louis Pasteur Pasteurization
Brewing Beer and Ale
157,124 U 11/24/1874 1 Joseph F. Glidden Barbed Wire
Improvement in Wire-Fences
174,465 U 03/07/1876 5 Alexander Graham Bell Telephone
Improvement In Telegraphy
194,047 U 08/14/1877 6 Nicolaus August Otto Internal Combustion Engine
Improvement in Gas-Motor Engines
200,521 U 02/19/1878 4 Thomas Alva Edison Phonograph
Improvement in Phonograph or Speaking Machines
223,898 U,c 01/27/1880 4 Thomas Alva Edison First Incandescent Light
Electric Lamp
224,573 U 02/17/1880 5 Emile Berliner Microphone
237,664 U 02/08/1881 2 Frederic E. Ives Halftone Printing Plate
Method of Producing Impressions in Line or Stipple from Photographic Negatives
304,272 U 08/26/1884 15 Ottmar Mergenthaler Linotype
Matrix-Making Machine
347,140 U 08/10/1886 8 Elihu Thomson Electric Welder
Apparatus for Electric Welding
371,496 U 10/11/1887 22 Dorr E. Felt Adding Machine
372,786 U 11/08/1887 3 Emile Berliner Phonograph Record
373,064 U 11/15/1887 1 Carl Gassner, Jr. Dry Cell Battery
Galvanic Battery
382,280 U 05/01/1888 1 Nikola Tesla A. C. Induction Motor
Electrical Transmission of Power
388,116 U 08/21/1888 44 William S. Burroughs Calculator
388,850 U 09/04/1888 41 George Eastman Roll Film Camera
395,782 U 01/08/1889 2 Herman Hollerith Computer
Art of Compiling Statistics
400,664 U 04/02/1889 2 Charles M. Hall Aluminum Manufacture
Process of Reducing Aluminum from its Fluoride Salts by Electrolysis
430,212 U 06/17/1890 3 Hiram Stevens Maxim Smokeless Gunpowder
Manufacture of Explosives
468,226 U 02/02/1892 4 William Painter Bottle Cap
Bottle-Sealing Device
492,767 U 02/28/1893 9 Edward G. Acheson Carborundum
Production of Artificial Crystalline Carbonaceous Materials
493,426 U 03/14/1893 13 Thomas Alva Edison Motion Picture
Apparatus for Exhibiting Photographs of Moving Objects
504,038 U 08/29/1893 7 Whitcomb L. Judson Zipper
Clasp Locker or Unlocker for Shoes
549,160 U 11/05/1895 6 George B. Selden Automobile
558,936 U 04/28/1896 9 Joseph S. Duncan Addressograph
re 11,913
Guglielmo Marconi Radio
Transmitting Electrical Signals
Transmitting Electrical Impulses and Signals and Apparatus Therefor
re 12,192
Thomas A. Edison Motion Picture Camera
Kinetographic Camera
Motion Picture Film

Kinetoscopic Film
608,845 U 08/09/1898 9 Rudolf Diesel Diesel Engine
Internal-Combustion Engine
621,195 U 03/14/1899 4 Ferdinand Graf Zepplin Dirigible
Navigable Balloon
644,077 U 02/27/1900 1 Felix Hoffmann Aspirin
Acetyl Salicylic Acid
661,619 U 11/13/1900 3 Valdemar Poulsen Magnetic Tape Recorder
Method of Recordings and Reproducing Sounds or Signals
708,553 U 09/09/1902 4 John P. Holland Submarine
Submarine Boat
745,157 U 11/24/1903 24 Clyde J. Coleman Electric Starter
Means for Operating Motor-Vehicles
766,768 U 08/02/1904 89 Michael J. Owens Automatic Glass Bottle Manufacturing
Glass-Shaping Machine
808,897 U 02/02/1906 5 Willis H. Carrier Air Conditioning
Apparatus for Treating Air
821,393 U 05/22/1906 18 Orville Wright
Wilbur Wright
841,387 U 01/15/1907 6 Lee De Forest Triode Vacuum Tube
Device for Amplifying Feeble Electrical Currents
942,809 U 12/07/1909 8 Leo H. Baekeland Bakelite
Condensation Product and Method of Making Same
971,501 U 09/27/1910 6 Fritz Haber
Robert Le Rossignol
Ammonia Production
Production of Ammonia
1,005,186 U 10/10/1911 6 Henry Ford Automotive Transmission
Transmission Mechanism
1,008,577 U 11/14/1911 7 Ernst F. W. Alexanderson High Frequency Generator
High-Frequency Alternator
1,030,178 U 06/18/1912 7 Peter Cooper Hewitt Mercury Vapor Lamp
Apparatus for the Electrical Production of Light
1,082,933 U,d 12/30/1913 34 William D. Coolidge Tungsten Filament Light Bulb
Tungsten and Method of Making the Same for Use as Filaments of Incandescent Electric Lamps and for Other Purposes
1,102,653 U 07/07/1914 8 Robert H. Goddard Rocket
Rocket Apparatus
1,113,149 U 10/06/1914 18 Edwin H. Armstrong Wireless Receiver
Wireless Receiving System
1,115,674 U 11/03/1914 1 Mary P. Jacob Brassiere
1,180,159 U 04/18/1916 13 Irving Langmuir Gas Filled Electric Lamp
Incandescent Electric Lamp
1,203,495 U 10/31/1916 33 William D. Coolidge X-Ray Tube
Vacuum Tube
1,279,471 U 09/17/1918 64 Elmer A. Sperry Gyroscopic Compass
Gyroscopic Compass
1,413,121 U 04/18/1922 5 John Arthur Johnson Adjustable Wrench
1,420,609 U 06/20/1922 26 Glenn H. Curtiss Hydroplane
1,573,846 U 02/23/1926 21 Thomas Midgley, Jr. Ethyl Gasoline
Method and Means for Using Motor Fuels
1,773,080 U 08/12/1930 2 Clarence Birdseye Frozen Food
1,773,980 U 08/26/1930 18 Philo T. Farnsworth Television
Television System
1,848,389 U 03/08/1932 15 Igor Sikorsky Helicopter
Aircraft, Especially Aircraft of the Direct Lift Amphibian Type and Means of Constructing and Operating The Same
1,941,066 U 12/26/1933 10 Edwin H. Armstrong FM Radio
Radio Signaling System
1,948,384 U 02/20/1934 17 Ernest O. Lawrence Cyclotron
Method and Apparatus for the Acceleration of Ions
2,021,907 U 11/26/1935 4 Vladimir K. Zworykin Television
Method of and Apparatus for Producing Images of Objects
2,059,884 U 11/03/1936 20 Leopold D. Mannes
Leopold Godowsky, Jr.
Color Film
Color Photography
2,071,250 U 02/16/1937 28 Wallace H. Carothers Nylon
Linear Condensation Polymers
2,153,729 U 04/11/1939 5 Ernest H. Volwiler
Donalee L. Tabern
Pentothal (General Anesthetic)
Thiobarbituric Acid Derivatives
2,206,634 U 07/02/1940 7 Enrico Fermi
Edoardo Amaldi
Bruno Pontecorvo
Franco Rasetti
Emilio Segre
Radioactive Isotopes
Process for the Production of Radioactive Substances
2,297,691 U 10/06/1942 27 Chester F. Carlson Xerography
2,329,074 U 09/07/1943 6 Paul Muller DDT - Insecticide
Devitalizing Composition of Matter
2,404,334 U 07/16/1946 15 Frank Whittle Jet Engine
Aircraft Propulsion System and Power Unit
2,451,804 U 10/19/1948 23 Donald L. Campbell
Homer Z. Martin
Eger V. Murphree
Charles W. Tyson
Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Method of and Apparatus for Contacting Solids and Gases
2,524.035 U,c 10/03/1950 40 John Bardeen
Walter H. Brattain
Three-Electrode Circuit Element Utilizing Semiconductor Materials
2,543,181 U 02/27/1951 116 Edwin H. Land Instant Photography
Photographic Product Comprising a Rupturable Container Carrying a Photographic Processing Liquid
2,569,347 U 09/25/1951 34 William Shockley Junction Transistor
Circuit Element Utilizing Semiconductive Material
2,668,661 U 02/09/1954 48 George R. Stibitz Modern Digital Computer
Complex Computer
2,682,050 U 06/22/1954 13 Andrew Alford Radio Navigation System
Localizer Antenna System
2,682,235 U 12/12/1951 13 Richard Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Dome
Building Construction
2,691,028 U 10/05/1954 7 Frank B. Colton First Oral Contraceptive
Estradiene Compounds
2,699,054 U 01/11/1955 18 Lloyd H. Conover Tetracycline
2,708,656 U,c 05/17/1955 8 Enrico Fermi
Leo Szilard
Atomic Reactor
Neutronic Reactor
2,708,722 U 05/17/1955 34 An Wang Magnetic Core Memory
Pulse Transfer Controlling Devices
2,717,437 U 09/13/1955 4 George De Mestral Velcro
Velvet Type Fabric and Method of Producing Same
2,816,721 U 12/17/1957 4 R. J. Taylor Rocket Engine
Rocket Powered Aerial Vehicle
2,835,548 U 05/20/1958 9 Robert C. Baumann Satellite
Satellite Structure
2,866,012 U 12/23/1958 4 Charles P. Ginsburg
Shelby F. Henderson
Video Tape Recorder
Magnetic Tape Recording and Reproducing System
2,879,439 U 12/28/1958 10 Charles H. Townes Maser
Production of Electromagnetic Energy
2,929,922 U 03/22/1960 11 Arthur L. Shawlow
Charles H. Townes
Masers and Maser Communication System
2,956,114 U,c 10/11/1960 8 Charles P. Ginsburg
Shelby F. Henderson
Wideband Magnetic Tape System
Broad Band Magnetic Tape System and Method
2,981,877 U 04/25/1961 10 Robert N. Noyce Semiconductor Device-And-Lead Structure
Semiconductor Device-And-Lead Structure
3,093,346 U 06/11/1963 17 Maxime A. Faget
Andre J. Meyer, Jr.
Robert G. Chilton
William S. Blanchard, Jr.
Alan B. Kehlet
Jerome B. Hammack
Caldwell C. Johnson, Jr.
First Manned Space Capsule-Mercury
Space Capsule
3,118,022 U 01/14/1964 6 Gerhard M. Sessler
James E. West
Electret Microphone
Electroacoustic Transducer
3,156,523 U 11/10/1964 12 Glenn T. Seaborg Americium (Element 95)
Element 95 and Method of Producing Said Element

Patent #: The patent number assigned by the U.S. Patent Office
Type: U=Utility R=Reissue D=Design T=Trademark NA=Not Available, a=assignment, d=disclaimer, c=correction
Granted: The day the Patent Office granted the patent
Claims: The number legal claims inventor makes for protect him invention
Inventor: Name of inventor(s) to whom the patent was granted
Description: Commonly known invention name is listed in red. The actual invention name is listed in blue.

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